Sunday School
Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM and finishes about 10:20 AM. There are a variety of different Sunday School classes available. See our Sunday School page for more details.
Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM and finishes about 10:20 AM. There are a variety of different Sunday School classes available. See our Sunday School page for more details.
Service starts at 10:30 AM and finish by about 12:15 PM. This is usually a verse-by-verse study of one of the books of the bible. Occasionally, the message will be topical (e.g., Mother's Day), and sometimes we will have a Missionary visiting, preaching, and presenting their ministry. Also available via LiveStream.
The last Sunday of every month, the service is followed immediately by a Food Fellowship (a church potluck). All are welcome regardless of whether or not you bring anything - there is always plenty of food!
Ages: Preschool-Grade 6
During our regular Sunday morning church service, we also offer a Junior/Children's Church service. During this service, the children worship God through songs, prayer time, Bible teaching, and activities. Snacks are also provided to the appropriate ages. Children begin worship in the sanctuary with their parents and then are dismissed to Junior Church on the last verse of the last song before the morning message. At this time, the children are escorted to their classrooms to participate in age-appropriate worship. After the service, the children are released to rejoin their parents.
We have several classes for the children during the morning service - 2 1/2 - 3 years old, 4-5 year olds, 1st-3rd grade, and 4-6th grade.
Service starts at 6 PM. This is a time for further in-depth study of God's word. Sometimes these are used for Business Meetings. There is no evening service on the last Sunday of each month as this is our Food Fellowship Sunday. Also available via LiveStream.
Service starts at 7 PM. Bible Study & Prayer Meeting (also available via Zoom). We also have Truth Trackers for the children at the same time during the school year.